A warm welcome awaits at
Accommodation | Pub & Beer Garden | Function Hall, Private Bar & Events
Nestled on the main street of Alva, Clackmannanshire at the foot of the Ochil Hills, The Johnstone Arms Hotel warmly welcomes you. With a storied past, a lively atmosphere and a dedication to exctional service, our hotel has become an integral part of our community, offering a cozy retreat for travellers and locals.
The Johnstone Arms is located in the heart of central Scotland. This, in conjunction with the Johnstones excellend facilities and room rates, has made it a popular place to stay for students, commuters and contractors with Glasgow, Edinburgh, Stirling and Perth and Falkirk all being less than an hours drive away.
Our Services
What Does The Johnstone Offer?
Comfortable hotel rooms in the heart of Clackmannanshire, Scotland.
Public Bar & Beer Garden
Unwind in our lively public bar, complete with conservatory and beer garden.
Function Hall & Events
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